Welcome to
Youth Action Groups

This site aims to offer useful information, resources and publications regarding community based youth partnerships referred to as Youth Action Groups or YAGs. YAGs first began in Cardiff around 2006 during the period of the national community regeneration programme - Communities First. A number of these partnerships have developed throughout the city and have been known to have remarkable positive impacts on the communities they serve.
While YAGs may appear at face value to be very simple entities to deliver and manage, there can be a number of clear barriers that inhibit their success. As a consequence, following 7 years of PhD research and over 17 years of experience in these partnerships, this site is aimed to offer knowledge and understanding which may support you in the set up and delivery of these groups.
​This website contains:
A useful guide called 'YAGs: A guide'
Lecture slides on an introductory course to YAGs
Information regarding support for setting up YAGs
Resources demonstrating the impact of YAGs
Access to a PhD Thesis concerning YAGs and community based partnerships
So please enjoy navigating these pages we hope you find them useful in the support of any community based youth partnerships you may be planning to set up and deliver.​